This may not have been a curiosity you had until now, but just by reading the question, you’re surely intrigued about why thought balloons disappeared from comics, right? A distinctive symbol of superhero comics, “thought balloons” were always prominent in reading, revealing characters’ plans and motivations.

Therefore, if, like us at Insight Factory, you want to know why comic books are no longer using this resource, continue reading and be surprised by the answer! 

Have you noticed that thought balloons disappeared from comics?

Thought balloons are a common narrative device in comic books used to represent characters’ thoughts. They are usually depicted as a cloud or bubble with words written inside. 

In superhero comics, for example, thought balloons were frequently used to reveal characters’ plans and motivations, as well as to explore their emotions and internal conflicts.

However, in recent years, they have been used less frequently, and in some cases, even eliminated—have you noticed?

While they haven’t completely vanished from comic books, fewer stories bring this figure of speech to the forefront. But what could be the reason for this? Read on to discover some of the main reasons that may explain this trend!

Why did thought balloons disappear from comics?

The decrease or disappearance of thought balloons in comic book stories is a reflection of stylistic and narrative changes over time. In other words, we are experiencing an evolution in storytelling style and presentation over time.

Below are possible explanations for this curious fact:

Outdated style

There are various reasons for the decline in the use of this feature, but the most prominent is that thought balloons are currently considered an outdated narrative device. They are often associated with a more classic comic book style, considered less realistic and sophisticated.

As narrative styles in comic books are evolving significantly, the market is producing more visual and dynamic comics, focusing more on action and dialogues than on characters’ internal thoughts. 

Consequently, many artists and writers have chosen to use less descriptive text, giving more prominence to images and allowing the art to tell the story.

Visual pollution

Another reason is that thought balloons can be an obstacle to action. They may take up too much space on the page, making it difficult to view the illustrated action. Moreover, they can disrupt the narrative flow, interrupting the action to reveal the character’s thoughts.


The use of thought balloons in comic book stories often ended up being redundant. Nowadays, the preference in many stories is for characters’ thoughts to be revealed more naturally through their actions and dialogues.

Influence of other media

Another factor contributing to the disappearance of thought balloons from comics is the influence of other forms of media, such as movies and TV series. This is because contemporary audiences seek faster narratives, and the focus on action is often preferred to maintain the reader’s attention.

Changes in the target audience

Over time, comic books have also undergone significant changes in their target audience. New generations may prefer a more visual and direct approach, directly influencing how stories in comics are told.

Technology and digital formats

The transition to digital formats has allowed greater experimentation with the design and presentation of comic book stories. Therefore, some comic book artists explore the possibilities offered by digital media to create unique reading experiences.

Did you enjoy learning why thought balloons disappeared from comics? 

We hope to have revealed to you that these changes reflect the continuous evolution of the comic book medium and the varied preferences of both creators and readers.

However, many comics still use thought balloons effectively, especially those that delve deeper into the psychology of characters. In other words, it’s not the end; you can still find comics that use these traditional elements in a very interesting way!