With each passing year, humanity witnesses the emergence of new, innovative technologies capable of shaping our future. And 2024 is no different, as we have major innovations set to launch.

These are not just future promises but advancements that are already significantly impacting our world, potentially changing the way we live.

So, if you’re curious about the topic, continue with this exclusive guide from Insight Factory and learn about the five main innovative technologies expected to be launched in 2024!

1. Super-efficient solar cells

The solar energy landscape is undergoing a revolution with the emergence of tandem silicon and perovskite solar cells, offering a remarkable improvement in the efficiency of converting sunlight into electricity.

Although technological challenges persist, the promising prospects of producing electricity at a lower cost fuel significant expectations for the fundamental role of these innovations in the future of solar energy.

2. Apple Vision Pro

The Apple Vision Pro is a high-quality augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headset announced by Apple in June 2023 at the WWDC. It is still in pre-sale and is expected to launch sometime in 2024.

The Apple Vision Pro is anticipated to be a premium device with a high price, with rumors suggesting it will cost around $2,999. Pre-orders are currently open through the Apple website, but the official release date has not yet been announced.

The Apple Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. It can open new possibilities for work, entertainment, and education, and can help us experience the world in new ways.

3. Chiplets

In response to the continuous challenges of reducing transistor size, chiplets emerge as a revolutionary modular approach to building faster and more efficient hardware systems.

In the relentless pursuit of balancing cost and performance, the CHIPS Act in the United States drives investments and intensive research in advanced semiconductors and packaging technologies, highlighting the crucial role of chiplets in the next generation of electronic devices.

Chiplets offer several advantages over traditional chips. They are easier to design and manufacture, as they can be customized for a specific function. They are also more energy-efficient, as they can be designed to operate at different temperatures and environmental conditions.

This promising innovation not only overcomes technical limitations but also redefines the paradigms of the semiconductor industry in the coming years.

4. Advances in genetic editing

Genetic editing is a technique that allows scientists to alter the DNA of an organism. It has the potential to revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and other areas.

In recent years, there have been several significant advancements in genetic editing. One of the most important advancements was the development of CRISPR-Cas9 technology. CRISPR-Cas9 is a relatively simple and easy-to-use genetic editing tool that can be used to cut or insert DNA anywhere in the genome.

Other advances in genetic editing include the development of new techniques for delivering edited genes to target cells. These techniques include the use of modified viruses, lipoproteins, and microinjections.

Genetic editing is already being used to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer, heart diseases, and genetic disorders. It is also being used to develop new types of food and improve agricultural productivity.

Recently, CRISPR genetic editing technology was used in the first approved treatment for curing sickle cell disease.

5. Exascale computers

Exascale computers are computers that can perform a quintillion calculations per second. A quintillion is an enormous number, equivalent to one followed by 18 zeros. To put this in perspective, a typical desktop computer can perform billions of calculations per second.

Exascale computers are still in development but are already being used in some projects. The Summit, an exascale computer developed by IBM for the United States Department of Energy, is being used to research new materials, develop new medications, and better understand the universe.

The expectation is that exascale computers will become more common in the coming decades. As the costs of chip manufacturing decrease and cooling technology improves, exascale computers will become more accessible and efficient. This will open new possibilities for a wide range of applications.