ChatGPT commands have become a part of the daily lives of thousands of people worldwide, being one of the main AI tools currently used for personal, professional, or academic research. 

But what about when boredom strikes? Can ChatGPT help us out? Can this AI create original jokes, retell famous stories in a fun way, and even simulate a conversation with famous personalities?

Insight Factory will satisfy your curiosity! We’ve separated five ChatGPT commands for you to test and have fun with during your leisure time! Check them out!

5 ChatGPT commands to explore

Here are 5 laid-back commands to try out on ChatGPT, to explore the platform’s limits and discover creative ways to enjoy your chatbot!

1. Respond to me using only song lyrics

If you want to add a musical touch to your interactions with ChatGPT, you can ask the tool to answer your questions exclusively using song lyrics.

By following an instruction like “Talk to me using only song lyrics,” ChatGPT uses parts of popular songs, such as “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, and “I Love It” by Icona Pop, resulting in fun and even cheeky interactions.

2. What’s the best/worst joke?

If you want to entertain yourself while exploring the humorous side of artificial intelligence, you can ask ChatGPT about the best or worst joke it knows on a specific theme.

When given this command, the bot might surprise the user with puns and jokes that elicit positive or negative reactions.

Additionally, the possibility of evaluating ChatGPT’s jokes allows the tool to gradually understand the user’s sense of humor.

3. Respond as [actor, celebrity, or character]

This suggestion is valuable for those who have ever imagined having a conversation with a renowned actor or artist.

You can ask ChatGPT to take on the role of a specific personality and enjoy an interactive simulation with your idol.

By requesting ChatGPT to respond as Terry Crews, for example, the AI incorporates the actor’s catchphrases and mannerisms from his major roles, resulting in a relaxed and playful conversation.

Moreover, this feature is not limited to famous personalities; you can also ask the chatbot to assume the identity of popular fictional characters, such as protagonists from games, movies, books, and more.

In these cases, the AI uses the available material about the character to simulate an interaction faithful to the fiction.

4. Change the ending of a famous story

If you want a different outcome to a story that didn’t end satisfactorily, just ask ChatGPT to create a new ending.

By providing a command like “Come up with an alternative ending for Romeo and Juliet,” the tool takes on the task of rewriting Shakespeare’s iconic story, surprising users with possible twists, happy or tragic endings that can be generated by the software.

In addition to literary works, you can ask ChatGPT to recreate endings for movies, series, or even games.

You can make more specific requests, like “Create a funny ending for ‘Beauty and the Beast’,” to get even more surprising results.

This tip can also be valuable for authors dissatisfied with the endings of their own stories, seeking a different perspective for the project.

5. Create a joke from the phrase…

Following the same vein, ChatGPT’s abilities allow creating jokes from the instructions provided by the user.

By giving a command like “Make a joke with the phrase: Tomorrow is Sunday,” the chatbot generates a short joke based on the provided text.

Although the jokes may not always make complete sense or be extremely funny, it’s possible to have fun exploring the humor, or lack thereof, present in the tool’s responses.

Did you like these ChatGPT commands?

See how ChatGPT commands can go beyond everyday task responses? They can also provide you with some highly entertaining moments. So, try challenging ChatGPT with one of these random commands, because laughter is definitely guaranteed!