One of the most famous series of recent times is “The Simpsons.” A curious fact is that the show is well-known for including various jokes and predictions about future events in its episodes. 

Viewers of the most popular American TV show are astonished by some predictions that have proven remarkably accurate, even in episodes recorded years before.

In this Insight Factory guide, we’ll showcase five examples of unbelievable predictions that The Simpsons got right about the future. Check it out!

Donald Trump’s election

In the episode “Bart to the Future,” aired in 2000, Lisa Simpson becomes the President of the United States. In her inaugural speech, she mentions inheriting a country in ruins due to the administration of her predecessor, Donald Trump.

Surprisingly, in 2016, Trump was elected President of the United States, becoming the first person with no political experience to hold the office. He often spoke about the problematic American economic situation. Trump’s election was an unexpected event for many, but The Simpsons had already predicted this possibility 16 years earlier.

Germany’s World Cup victory

In the episode “Lisa’s Wedding,” aired in 1995, Lisa Simpson marries a man named Milhouse Van Houten. During the ceremony, a screen shows the World Cup final, with Germany defeating Brazil 2-1.

In 2014, Germany won the FIFA World Cup, defeating Argentina 1-0 in the final. Germany’s victory was a surprise to many, but The Simpsons had predicted this possibility 19 years earlier.

Invention of smartwatches

In the episode “Lisa’s Wedding,” aired in 1995, Lisa’s boyfriend, Milhouse, is seen wearing a smartwatch. The watch is used for making calls and sending messages, portrayed as a common item in the future.

In 2012, Apple released the Apple Watch, the first smartwatch to become popular. The Apple Watch is used for calls, messages, and accessing apps, becoming a common item in the modern world.

COVID-19 pandemic

In the episode “Marge in Chains,” aired in 2003, the town of Springfield is quarantined due to a flu epidemic. The epidemic causes chaos, and people are required to wear masks for protection.

In 2020, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, a respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The pandemic caused worldwide chaos, and people were mandated to wear masks for protection.

Disney acquiring 20th Century Fox

In the episode “The Simpsons Movie,” aired in 2007, Disney purchases 20th Century Fox. The acquisition is announced at the end of the film, with Disney planning to turn Springfield into a theme park.

In 2019, Disney announced the acquisition of 20th Century Fox for $71.3 billion. The purchase was the largest in entertainment industry history, solidifying Disney as one of the most powerful companies globally.

Did you enjoy learning about The Simpsons’ future predictions?

Undoubtedly, The Simpsons is an intriguing American series, hailed by many as the pop culture show that most accurately predicts the future, akin to Nostradamus. 

While these historical events don’t always unfold with 100% accuracy, it’s still extraordinary. So, all that’s left is to continue watching Simpsons episodes to see what the future holds!