The animal world is fascinating, and anyone who loves a feline has surely wondered at some point during a moment of affection with their pet, why do cats purr, right?
Purring is one of the most characteristic sounds of cats. It’s a soft and repetitive noise that can be emitted by cats of all ages and breeds. But what is the reason for this, and how does it happen?
If you, like us, are curious about the topic, continue reading in this guide from Insight Factory and discover why cats purr! Enjoy!
What is purring?
Before satisfying the central curiosity of the topic, it’s important to understand what we are talking about. In practice, purring is a continuous noise produced by felines and is part of their communication.
The domestic cat purrs in a frequency range between 22.4 and 30.2 hertz. Unlike meowing, purring produces a sound of a low pitch, audible only at short distances.
How does purring work?
Purring is the result of rapid and rhythmic muscle contractions in the larynx, in the throat area. These contractions cause the vocal cords to vibrate, producing the characteristic sound of purring.
Why do cats purr?
Cats purr for various reasons, and the behavior can have different meanings in different situations. And although there is no consensus on why cats purr, there are some theories:
- Communication: Purring can be a sign of joy, satisfaction, comfort, or affection. Cats may also purr to get their owner’s attention or to try to calm other animals.
- Healing: There is evidence that cat purring can have healing properties. It is believed that the frequencies of purring can stimulate the release of endorphins, contributing to pain reduction, muscle relaxation, and accelerating the healing of bones and tissues.
- Body temperature regulation: The vibrations of purring can help keep the body warm in cold climates.
- Self-satisfaction: Cats may purr when they are self-grooming or snuggling, showing a state of self-satisfaction.
- Communication with kittens: Mother cats often purr to their kittens, serving as a form of communication indicating that everything is well and safe. The kittens, in turn, also purr while nursing to indicate satisfaction.
- Expression of contentment: Purring is often associated with a state of comfort and contentment. Cats often purr when they are relaxed, being petted, or lying in a comfortable place.
Interesting facts about cat purring
Did you know that cat purring is produced by muscles in the larynx that contract and relax rapidly? These contractions create vibrations that are transmitted through the cat’s body.
Also, a very curious fact is that cats are the only mammals that can purr when they are awake. Other mammals, like dogs, can only purr when they are sleeping.
The purring of cats is a fascinating behavior that is still not fully understood. However, it is clear that it is an important part of cat communication and behavior!